Request Mapping

@RequestMapping, annotation used to map requests to controllers method.

There are also HTTP method specific shortcut variants of @RequestMapping:

  • @GetMapping
  • @PostMapping
  • @PutMapping
  • @DeleteMapping
  • @PatchMapping
@RequestMapping(value = "/ex/foos", headers = "key=val", method = GET)

  value = "/ex/foos", 
  headers = { "key1=val1", "key2=val2" }, method = GET)

  value = "/ex/foos", 
  method = GET, 
  headers = "Accept=application/json")

  value = "/ex/foos", 
  method = GET,
  produces = { "application/json", "application/xml" }

@GetMapping(path = "/pets/{petId}", params = "myParam=myValue")
public void findPet(@PathVariable String petId) {
	// ...

  value = { "/ex/advanced/bars", "/ex/advanced/foos" }, 
  method = GET)
public String getFoosOrBarsByPath() {
    return "Advanced - Get some Foos or Bars";

  value = "/ex/foos/multiple", 
  method = { RequestMethod.PUT, RequestMethod.POST }
public String putAndPostFoos() {
    return "Advanced - PUT and POST within single method";


Annotation to read values from query string.

public String getFoos(@RequestParam String id) {
    return "ID: " + id;

@RequestMapping(value = "/ex/bars", method = GET)
public String getBarBySimplePathWithRequestParam(
  @RequestParam("id") long id) {
    return "Get a specific Bar with id=" + id;

@RequestMapping(value = "/ex/bars", params = "id", method = GET)
public String getBarBySimplePathWithExplicitRequestParam(
  @RequestParam("id") long id) {
    return "Get a specific Bar with id=" + id;

  value = "/ex/bars", 
  params = { "id", "second" }, 
  method = GET)
public String getBarBySimplePathWithExplicitRequestParams(
  @RequestParam("id") long id) {
    return "Narrow Get a specific Bar with id=" + id;


@RequestHeader annotation can be used to read values from headers.

public ResponseEntity<String> greeting(@RequestHeader(HttpHeaders.ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) String language) {
    // code that uses the language variable
    return new ResponseEntity<String>(greeting, HttpStatus.OK);

public ResponseEntity<String> doubleNumber(@RequestHeader("my-number") int myNumber) {
    return new ResponseEntity<String>(String.format("%d * 2 = %d", 
      myNumber, (myNumber * 2)), HttpStatus.OK);

public ResponseEntity<String> listAllHeaders(
  @RequestHeader Map<String, String> headers) {
    headers.forEach((key, value) -> {"Header '%s' = %s", key, value));

    return new ResponseEntity<String>(
      String.format("Listed %d headers", headers.size()), HttpStatus.OK);

public ResponseEntity<String> evaluateNonRequiredHeader(
  @RequestHeader(value = "optional-header", required = false) String optionalHeader) {
    return new ResponseEntity<String>(String.format(
      "Was the optional header present? %s!",
        (optionalHeader == null ? "No" : "Yes")),HttpStatus.OK);

public ResponseEntity<String> evaluateDefaultHeaderValue(
  @RequestHeader(value = "optional-header", defaultValue = "3600") int optionalHeader) {
    return new ResponseEntity<String>(
      String.format("Optional Header is %d", optionalHeader), HttpStatus.OK);


To get values from query strings.

public String getEmployeesById(@PathVariable String id) {
    return "ID: " + id;

public String getEmployeesByIdWithVariableName(@PathVariable("id") String employeeId) {
    return "ID: " + employeeId;

public String getEmployeesByIdAndName(@PathVariable String id, @PathVariable String name) {
    return "ID: " + id + ", name: " + name;

@RequestMapping(value = "/ex/foos/{id}", method = GET)
public String getFoosBySimplePathWithPathVariable(
  @PathVariable("id") long id) {
    return "Get a specific Foo with id=" + id;

@RequestMapping(value = "/ex/foos/{id}", method = GET)
public String getFoosBySimplePathWithPathVariable(
  @PathVariable String id) {
    return "Get a specific Foo with id=" + id;

@RequestMapping(value = "/ex/foos/{fooid}/bar/{barid}", method = GET)
public String getFoosBySimplePathWithPathVariables
  (@PathVariable long fooid, @PathVariable long barid) {
    return "Get a specific Bar with id=" + barid + 
      " from a Foo with id=" + fooid;

@RequestMapping(value = "/ex/bars/{numericId:[\\d]+}", method = GET)
public String getBarsBySimplePathWithPathVariable(
  @PathVariable long numericId) {
    return "Get a specific Bar with id=" + numericId;


To set the status of an HTTP response.

@ResponseStatus(HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST, reason = "Some parameters are invalid")
void onIllegalArgumentException(IllegalArgumentException exception) {}

@RequestBody and @ResponseBody

@RequestBody annotation maps the HttpRequest body to a transfer or domain object, enabling automatic deserialization.

public ResponseEntity postController(
  @RequestBody LoginForm loginForm) {
    return ResponseEntity.ok(HttpStatus.OK);

@ResponseBody annotation tells a controller that the object returned is automatically serialized into JSON and passed back into the HttpResponse object.

public class ExamplePostController {

    ExampleService exampleService;

    public ResponseTransfer postResponseController(
      @RequestBody LoginForm loginForm) {
        return new ResponseTransfer("Thanks For Posting!!!");

MVC annotations

@ModelInterface, holder for model attributes
@ModelMapClass, in ModelMap attibute key can be omitted and the value of the attribute will be use to generate the key.
@ModelAndViewModelAndView it’s a container for both View object and ModelMap


Annotation that binds a method parameter or method return method to a named model attribute.

  • Method level

The purpose of the method is to add one or more model attributes. This methods can’t be directly mapped to requests. Spring MVC will always make a call to this method before any request handler controllers.

public void addAttributes(Model model) {
    model.addAttribute("msg", "Welcome to the Netherlands!");
  • Method argument

The argument will be retrieved from the model

@RequestMapping(value = "/addEmployee", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String submit(@ModelAttribute("employee") Employee employee) {
    // Code that uses the employee object

    return "employeeView";
